Legislation Index

Below is a list of European Union digital legislation. They are in different stages of the legislative process: some have been passed and fully implemented, others have been passed and are in the process of entering into force through a lengthy implementation period, and others are still in the proposal stage. This is not meant to be a complete list of digital legislation that has been passed by or that is being considered by the European Parliament, however it is the focus of this analysis because they are both the most sweeping pieces of legislation and the ones where there are the clearest instances of major contradictions both in their intent and their function. The current status of the legislation referred to in the EU Tech Policy Matrix are:


Child Sexual Abuse Materials Proposal

Legislative Proposal working its way through the legislative negotiations.


Cyber Resilience Act

Legislative Proposal working its way through EU parliament, Council, and Commission.


Digital Markets Act

Obligations are in effect as of March 2024.


Digital Services Act

In effect as of November 2022, currently in implementation stage.


General Data Protection Regulation

In effect as of May 2018.